A free, in-person workshop for the coach who is ready to take her impact to the next level, building a thriving business, brand & legacy from the inside-out.

This will be an intimate and exclusive event for expert business guidance, connecting with like-minded entrepreneurs and building your dream business to the next level through the lens of authority, powerful client relationships and organic scaling into multiple 6 - 7 figures.

Oh... and it will be a vibe. Get ready for a good time. And an insane amount of value.

If you're ready to work with high quality clients, helping them achieve life changing results, earn more mulah, have more freedom, happiness and love the f*ck out of your purpose driven, abundant life then click below, it's time to access your true leader within

Can't wait to meet you!

Thanks for registering! Enter your details below to save your seat for November the 27th and keep your eyes peeled on your inbox for your official invitation and workshop details

    Your privacy is respected. Unsubscribe at any time.